Mass Save® Heat Loans Help Homeowners Upgrade Their Heating Systems to More Efficient Models
When it comes to home energy efficiency and your heating savings, there’s no better way to maximize your energy efficiency than with a Mass Save® heat loan. It allows you to make multiple heating system purchases in a planned, systematic way, which can give you value while making your home more comfortable and energy efficient.
The key to it all is planning. Being systematic with your heating system upgrades helps you address all the issues you may have with your heating, and it all starts with a home energy assessment from a company like Revise, Inc.
The Home Energy Assessment Can Help You Get Mass Save® Super Savings with a Heat Loan
So why is the home energy assessment a great starting point? For starters, you need to be working with a company that’s an authorized contractor for Mass Save® to get a heat loan, and Revise, Inc., fits the bill.
Our experts know how to help you use your heat loan to best advantage. They’re trained to spot air leaks and evaluate the insulation in your home, and once they’ve done that they can do a thorough assessment of your home heating system.
Once they do, they’re recommend upgrade purchases, so let’s look at some of the components that may be eligible for an upgrade.
Heat Pumps Represent the Ultimate Upgrade When it Comes to Your Mass Save® Heat Loan
If you have an older heating system that’s coming to the end of its lifespan, the best way to upgrade your system may be with a heat pump.
A heat pump can help you rebuild your heating system by offering an energy efficiency level of almost 300 percent, so this is the ultimate upgrade.
The heat pump will still use electricity, but your utility bills will be far lower. The Mass Save® heat loan will give you up to $25,000 to fund the purchase, and heat pump discounts can run as high as $15,000.
Get a Hybrid HVAC System With Your Mass Save® Heat Loan
Getting a heat pump isn’t the only way to upgrade your heating system, however. If you have a newer furnace or boiler, you may be able to add a heat pump that still uses that equipment while saving you money.
How does this work? If you add a heat pump to get this kind of configuration, it will use smart home technology to use the furnace during periods of extreme cold.
The rest of the time, the heat pump will heat milder air that comes from beneath the ground or outside your home, then heating it to the exact temperature you set with your smart thermostat.
Upgrading Your Furnace or Boiler to Save Energy
For some homeowners on a more limited budget, the best way to use the money from a Mass Save® heat loan is to do a straight upgrade on your furnace or boiler.
New furnaces and boilers still offer you an energy efficiency level of over 90 percent, so you’ll be saving a lot of money on your home heating bills.
Moreover, Mass Save® will still give you serious discounts on new furnaces and boilers. You’ll be spending less money, and you’ll still be getting great savings while you become more energy efficient.
Don’t Forget Those Other Heat Loan Upgrades
While it’s important to upgrade your heating system, make sure you don’t forget about smaller Mass Save® upgrades that will also enhance your home energy efficiency.
Specifically, we’re talking about upgraded insulation and getting air leaks in your home sealed to start. It might be a stretch to call insulation part of your home heating systems, but it definitely plays a significant role in home energy efficiency.
The same logic applies to upgrading your windows and doors. You’ll notice a difference immediately, and you can use your Mass Save® heat loan to fund these smaller purchases as well.
You can also do this with your home appliances. Older washers, dryers and refrigerators are less energy efficient, and replacing them with newer appliances that are more energy efficient can be a great way to save while getting a discount.
The Business Side of a Mass Save® Heat Loan: Getting the Money Through a Business Checking Account
The financial side of getting a Mass Save® heat loan can seem intimidating to many homeowners, but it shouldn’t be.
At Revise, Inc., we can help walk you through the paperwork, and when you’re done you’ll be eligible for a $25,000, zero-interest loan to make your heating system upgrades. Depending on the amount you select, which is based in part on your eligibility, you’ll have up to seven years to repay the loan.
One thing you will need is a utility account with a Massachusetts energy provider. Most homeowners already have these, but if you don’t Revise, Inc. can help you with that part of the process as well.
When you submit the paperwork, you’ll be dealing with either a bank or a credit union. Once you’re approved, that financial institution might suggest opening a business checking account to handle payments.
But that won’t be the only way you can track your payments. They’ll show up on your monthly utility bill, which will allow you to monitor both the money you’re paying out and the savings you’re getting on your heating bill with the upgraded equipment you’ve purchased.
Learn How to Get and Use a Mass Save® Heat Loan with Revise, Inc.
At Revise, Inc., we’re committed to doing everything we can to help make your home more energy efficient and educating you about your home and what you can do to maximize savings under Mass Save®.
We’re proud to be a designated contractor under the Mass Save® program, and we’ve helped hundreds of customers save thousands of dollars while improving their energy efficiency.
We make the process as simple as possible. Our home energy assessors are professionals who are extensively trained to evaluate your energy needs, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have or explain anything from the assessment. We want you to understand that it’s a lot easier to increase your savings than you think, and we can show you how to do it.
To start the process, call us at 800-885-7283 (SAVE) or visit our website, We’ve got some great information about savings there, so it’s an excellent place to start if you’re curious and you want to get some background material about how to spend less while making your home more energy efficient.
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